This is how I tracked down a pedophile Using OSINT

This is how I tracked down a pedophile Using OSINT

Tracking down cyber stocker / pedophile using OSINT


3 min read

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So I have been following this girl on Instagram for a long time now Due to privacy reasons I will not disclose any information about her. So some days ago I was bored and was scrolling through Instagram and a photo from that particular girl was on my newsfeed, out of boredom I started looking through her comments, and a particular comment just caught my attention and I was disgusted by it. screen shot of the comment.jpg

So My Bangla-speaking audience might understand what this guy is trying to say, to other people this guy was basically commenting on her physical appearance in a particular dress she was wearing in the photo. And as a matter of fact, I know this girl is underaged as she States this in her bio so this guy tried to exploit an underaged girl.

The game is on

Ok, for me the game was on. I went to his profile As expected it was an alt account nothing for me to work with. I searched his Instagram user name using the Sherlock Tool. Though Sherlock is a really awesome tool but often it doesn't give you the result you want for me, it was one of those days.

Sherlock results.jpg

But it wasn't a dead end. Then I started reverse image searching his profile picture but found nothing. Then I saw he had a name as his bio I normally searched it on google a lot of results came out basically it was a very common name so filtering out our culprit would be a pain. So I thought let's try to find his Facebook profile. So I started Google Dorking I tried ( inurl:theNameInBio ) as stated before the name was a really common name and A lot of profiles popped up.

google dorking result.jpg

Then I started to click links and to my surprise, in the third link I find a guy who looks awfully similar to our culprit

facebook profile.jpg

Just to be sure I scrolled a bit down and as expected the same profile picture.


At this point, I knew everything there was to know about this guy. "If you are going to be that stupid that you put you real photo and name on an alt account and use that account to comment disgusting things on an underaged girls photo then why even bother creating an alt account in the first place?"

info about the guy.jpg

I have submitted all my findings to the police and as it's an ongoing investigation I can not disclose any information about the guy.

Persistence is key ❤

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